SOULL is an open online platform to provide selected information about past and recent research activities of legal linguistics world-wide: dossiers and introductions of selected research areas; an international bibliography of language and law; information about research groups of legal linguistics world-wide; a list of important journals and book series; a text repository; and collections of data (especially text corpora) for empirical research. If you like to contribute to SOULL or just want to send us feedback, please »contact us.
ISSN: 2701-276X | ✉ Newsletter

International Bibliography
of Language and Law
Search for publications on language and law in a database of about 2000 relevant entries.
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SOULL dossiers provide overviews to selected topics and activities of recent language and law research.
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Research Groups of Legal Linguistics
Overview about earlier and recent research groups of legal linguistics world-wide
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Heidelberg Group of Legal Linguistics
Information on past and recent activities, publications etc. of the world’s oldest research group in legal linguistics. (DE)
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Journals and Series
Overview of important journals and book series of language and law.
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Data and Tools
Data platforms and a list of important text collections (corpora) for research on language and law.
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Text Repository of Legal Linguistics
Free access to publications on language and law.
In preparation.

Related platforms and websites about language and law.
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