Dossiers about Language and Law

Under this section we provide dossiers about selected research and subject areas exploring language and law. SOULL-Dossiers give an overview to related topics, documents and discourse events to facilitate the introduction to anyone interested. If you are interested to share your knowledge under this section, please do not hesitate to »contact us. If you want to be informed regularly about new content, please »subscribe to the SOULL newsletter.

Evaluative language in Judicial ArgumentationNormgenese der EU-Urheberrechtsrichtlinie 2019/790 / Art. 17 („Upload-Filter“)

By Stanisław Goźdź-Roszkowski | In English| 02.2024

In the commonly held belief, judicial discourse is perceived to be impartial and logical, avoiding any language that conveys subjective assessments, particularly those associated with evaluative attitudes.
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Normgenese der EU-Urheberrechtsrichtlinie 2019/790 / Art. 17 („Upload-Filter“)

By Benjamin Bäumer | In German | 07.2020

Extensive tables on central discourse events and documents of the norm(text)genesis of the current Art. 17 („upload filter“) of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market.
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Corpus Linguistics and Law

By Friedemann Vogel | In English | in preparation

The dossier summarizes the most important approaches and activities in which methods of corpus linguistics are discussed and tested as a contribution to specialist communication research, forensics or legal interpretation.

Language of German Law

By Friedemann Vogel | In English and German | in prep.

The dossier provides an overview of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of language and communication in German law with tables, lemma lists and notes on selected publications.

Further dossiers

in preperation.